
Civic Leadership

Following the completion of the Summer Seminar, students in the program work on a variety of community-oriented projects, focusing on issues such as mental health, civic engagement, and leadership.

Other possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Education
  • Housing
  • Justice
  • Climate Change
  • Immigration
  • Hunger

Current Projects

Test Anxiety Survey

Students are gathering data on test anxiety and its impact on student performance and social life, leading to the development of support systems within schools and academic communities. 

Bullying and Mental Health Survey

An in-depth look at how bullying affects mental health, with solutions aimed at fostering a healthier school environment. Results from these surveys will shape community-based solutions — thus making our neighborhoods stronger and healthier.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the goals of the project?

The curriculum is designed to provide our students with the personal, civic, and academic skills necessary to become engaged and active citizens. The group may not solve the social problems identified this year, but will develop the experience necessary to lead the way on civic issues in the future.

What is the Civic Leadership project?

After the summer seminar, students will meet regularly in small groups from September through May to work on a civic leadership project of their choice. Projects will be about civic matters that are important to each group and will explore ways to make a difference. 

Why civic leadership?

After spending a summer learning about the origins of freedom and citizenship, the goal is to coach our students to put it into practice during a yearlong curriculum designed to help students become leaders in active citizenship.