
EPC Members



Membership on the EPC consists of the following:

  • Two members of Faculty Senate
  • Two full-time faculty members from each degree-granting college, preferably one with graduate faculty status and one who teaches undergraduate courses*
  • One full-time faculty member from the University Libraries
  • Two college deans
  • One senior administrator from the Office of the Provost
  • Two students, one who is an undergraduate student and one who is a graduate student

* If a degree-granting college does not have the capacity to have two faculty members on the council in a given year, the college is permitted to have one faculty member on the council.

Membership on the Executive EPC consists of the following members from the EPC:

  • Two members of Faculty Senate
  • Two full-time faculty members from degree-granting colleges, preferably one with graduate faculty status and one who teaches undergraduate courses
  • One senior administrator from the Office of the Provost

Leadership of the EPC and Executive EPC consists of the following:

  • The chair is an elected member of the Faculty Senate who has been appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
  • The secretary is from the Office of Curriculum Services.


  • Members appointed by the Faculty Senate chair-elect serve for two years, with new members beginning their term as of July 1.
  • Members elected from each degree-granting college serve for one year.
  • Members appointed by the provost or by the Academic Leadership Group serve for two years.
  • Members appointed by the University Libraries dean or by the student government bodies serve for one year.

Means of Appointment

  • The faculty senators are appointed by the Faculty Senate chair-elect from the elected representatives on the Faculty Senate to serve on both the EPC and Executive EPC. The chair-elect shall make every effort to provide continuity on the council by replacing approximately one-half of the appointed faculty members each year.
  • The faculty members from each degree-granting college are elected by their respective college curriculum body and/or college graduate coordinating body.
  • The library faculty member is appointed by the dean of University Libraries upon consultation with the University Libraries Advisory Committee.
  • The senior administrator from the Office of the Provost is appointed by the provost.
  • The college deans are elected by the Academic Leadership Group, chaired by the provost.
  • The undergraduate student is appointed by the Undergraduate Student Government, and the graduate student is appointed by the Graduate Student Senate.


Members of the council shall not have alternates. If members are unable to fulfill their duties for an extended period of time, their appointing/electing body must appoint/elect another member to serve on the council. When a member has been absent from three consecutive council meetings, the secretary of the council shall notify the executive council of this fact. After reviewing the circumstances and discussing them with the affected member, the executive council may recommend that the member be removed and request that the member鈥檚 appointing/electing body appoint/elect another member to serve on the council.


A quorum shall be a simple majority of the council members. The presence of a quorum is required for the council to take binding action and to vote on substantive matters.

The EPC chair has a vote only to break a tie vote on an item before the council. The EPC secretary does not have voting privileges.

There is no voting by proxy.