
Hispanic Heritage Fair

University Housing is looking to host a Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Fair, for the upcoming National Hispanic Heritage Month in collaboration with SALSA. Students will be hosting booths to showcase their culture and history through food, art, & more. The fair will be held on Oct 12th, at 6pm in the Oscar Ritchie Hall auditorium.

A.I.D. Training

A.I.D. training is offered as part of the More Aware Initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

A.I.D. training is a 60 to 90 minute mental health awareness training that teaches students, faculty, and staff three steps. Training can be taught in-person or virtually.

Awareness: how to recognize the signs and symptoms of students in distress
Interaction: how to effectively interact with students in distress
Direction: how to locate and provide resources to students in distress
Other key components of this training include:

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