
Senior applied communication major, Jessica Buck, landed an internship with Pro-Model and Talent Management as their social media coordinator. In this position, Buck is responsible for managing the company’s Facebook, Google+ and Yelp pages along with their blog. Some topics she covers in the blog include, successful Pro-Model and Talent stars, audition tips, instructor profiles and fashion and beauty tips. “I love the things I get to do and the environment I get to work in,” Buck said. “Currently, I am writing a blog on overcoming adversity and celebrities who dealt with extreme circumstan...

Since the time of the early Buddhist kings, Tibetan monks have practiced analytic meditation - where they memorize a Buddhist text and then attempt to deepen their understanding of this material by joining in debate pits lead by a senior monk, known as the challenger. “The challenger is sitting on a mat or cushion as he poses questions to a defender and the defender must come up with a logical and coherent argument to respond to the question,” said David Fresco, Ph.D., professor and director Kent State’s Psychopathology and Emotion Regulation Laboratory (PERL) and co-director of the...

 Spellers were (from left) Shannon Householder, Maria Kobus, Rosa Prichard and Jessica Sedlorsky.

Last semester, four members of the nursing faculty at Kent State Salem, along with 15 nursing students, headed west for leaning opportunities that cannot be taught in a typical classroom. The group traveled to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southern South Dakota to interact with members of the Oglala Lakota Sioux tribe. The reservation is home to about 40,000 people, half of whom are members of the Oglala Lakota Nation. The average income for a resident of the reservation is between $2,600 and $3,500 a year, meaning that more than 97 percent of the residents live below the poverty level...

This summer, the ĐăÉ«app College of Communication and Information will send 30 students, two faculty members and one staff chaperone to China for a 17-day summer immersion program and cultural exchange at Sichuan University in Chengdu. Learn how you can be one of the students who experiences this for less than $1,000!

ĐăÉ«app Board of Trustees approved establishing a unified student government across all campuses – Ashtabula, East Liverpool, Geauga, Kent, Salem, Stark, Trumbull and Tuscarawas – during its March 9, 2016, board meeting. The Undergraduate Student Government of each campus will be recognized as the representative voice of the students’ interests, concerns and needs. Elected presidents from each campus will serve as the liaison between the student body, Undergraduate Student Government and university administration. The Board’s vote reflects university core values to create a...

The Undeniably Kent State:  Actions Speak Louder Than Words town hall video is available for viewing online. ĐăÉ«app faculty and staff who did not have the opportunity to attend the meeting or those who would like to view the event again can watch the video at www.kent.edu/strategicvisioning/undeniably-kent-state-town-hall. The meeting on Feb. 22, which took place at the Kent Student Center Ballroom Balcony, focused on the university’s Roadmap to a Distinctive Kent State, which includes the new branding campaign, the university’s core values and student-centered prioritie...

When a professor says no one has more fun teaching than he does – and the students cite the enthusiasm and passion for the material he teaches – that combination leads to award-winning honors.   Matthew Shank, associate lecturer in ĐăÉ«app’s Department of English, recently won the Outstanding Teaching Award for helping his students succeed inside and outside the classroom. The Outstanding Teaching Award honors exceptional, nontenure-track and part-time faculty members at Kent State. Sponsored by the University Teaching Council, the awards are given each year to three facul...

Work in Progress: Continuing the wall framing and electrical rough-in in room 101, 104, & 223. Wall framing, electrical & plumbing rough-in continue in the new first floor restrooms. Electrical floor box layout and core drilling has begun in 223. Continuing the wall patch and repair in rooms with removed HVAC (Uni-vent) perimeter wall equipment. Looking forward: Start HVAC sheet metal ductwork on the first floor. Planned power outage on 3/19/2016 to make connections to new switchgear. Continue with sanitary and water rough-in in restrooms on the first floor. ...

Work in Progress: Work continues on the chilled water service lines in the 3rd floor east mechanical room. Work continues on the steam service in the 3rd floor west mechanical room. Installation of AHU#1 in the 3rd floor east mechanical room continues. Unit #4 duct tie in is scheduled for 3/14/2016 (7:00am-3:00pm). Demolition of duct banks in utility tunnels continues. Installation of new electrical & tele/data duct banks continues. Mud slabs have been poured in footers and water proofing has begun. Rebar for footers to start on 3/11/2016. Completed the Phoenix air va...

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