
Characterization Facility Tools

 Number Equipment Type/Code Description Image
1 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM
Tecnai G2 F20
The easy-to-use 200 kV microscope (Tecnai G2 F20), manufactured by FEI, provides superb performance of a 0.24 nm point-to-point resolution and a 0.15 nm information limit for TEM mode and a 0.2 nm spot size for STEM mode.
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Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
The Hitachi S-2600N scanning electron microscope (1-30 kV) enables speedy morphology and composition characterizations at nanoscale resolution.
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Atomic Force Microscope (TT-AFM)
AFM workshop
The AFM lab, integrating both research and teaching functions, features 5 TT-AFMs made by AFM Workshop. Users can study the surface topography of their samples at a nanometer or even sub-nanometer resolution.
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Quanta450 FEG SEM/EBL (Quanta450) 
The FEI Quanta450 FEG environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) characterizes both conductive and non-conductive samples with SE and BSE high-resolution imaging. The combined Nabity NPGS E-Beam Lithography (EBL) system can generate complex structures with nano-scaled patterns.
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Leica UC7/FC7
Can be used to prepare specimens for TEM/SEM.
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Baltec BAF060 freezing etching system (Freeze fracture)
Can be used to make replicas of a fractured frozen sample surface.
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Leica EM PACT 2 high pressure freezer (HPF)
EM Pact 2
To vitrify aqueous materials.
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Bruker FTIR (FTIR )
FTIR, MidIR, NearIR, Transmission, Reflection, Microscope, Bench, Grazing Angle, ATR.
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Zeta potential and particle size analyzer (ZetaPLUS)
ZetaPLUS can measure both particle size (2 鈭 3,000 nm)and zeta-potential (-220 to 220 mV) of nano- and micro- particles as well as polymers and proteins, based on the dynamic light scattering. Wave length of the 35 mW laser source is 660nm and the detection angle of the highly-sensitive avalanche photo diode (APD) is 90掳 for particle sizing and 15掳 for zeta-potential. Temperature of a sample can be varied from 10 to 70 掳C by the precision Peltier temperature control.

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ThermoFisher Scientific Rheometer HAAKE MARS II (Rheometer)
This highly flexible Modular Advanced Rheometer System (MARS) provides accuracy, easy handling, and many application-oriented solutions for comprehensive material characterization. New Connect Assist functionality allows for effortless, error-free exchange of measuring geometries and temperature modules to speed up your workflow. Resource Photo


Rame-Hart Goniometer (Goniometer)
Rame-Hart 250
The Rame-Hart Goniometer (Model 250) is a powerful tool for measuring the contact angle, surface energy, surface tension, interfacial tension, etc. It works with pendant, inverted pendant, sessile, and captive bubble drops. With the additional 鈥淎utomated Dispensing System鈥, one can perform advancing/receding and dynamic studies. The environmental chamber and the proportional temperature controller provide a stable temperature up to 315掳C (600掳F). The resolution of the angle measurement is 0.01掳 with an accuracy of +/- 0.1掳. Resource Photo


Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (Confocal)
OLS 3100
Olympus LEXT OLS 3100 Light Source: 408nm LD Lateral Resolution: 200nm Vertical Resolution: 10nm 3D Profile Reconstruction.
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High Speed Camera (HS-camera)
Phantom v211
A high-speed camera is a central instrumet for softmater recearch such as microfluidics, in which tiny microdrops and bubbles are formed so fast that most of cameras cannot properly caputre their motions. This state-of-art camera, Phantom v210, from Vision Research will enable us to study fast dynamic details in conjunction with a microscope in frame rates faster than 2000 fps even in a full frame (1280 x 800) and 300,000 fps at a reduced frame size of 128x8. Resource Photo


Spectrofluorometer (Fluorolog-3)
The Fluorolog庐-3 is a unique, modular system which allows the researcher to interchange a versatile range of accessories to correspond perfectly with the characteristics of a given sample. From analysis of steady-state or molecular dynamics to IR probes, the Fluorolog庐-3 comes equipped with a wide range and limitless configuration of accessories to enhance the accuracy and speed of your application. Resource Photo


Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Perkin Elmer/DSC7
The Perkin Elmer DSC7 measures thermal properties of liquids and solids such as the melting temperature and the accompanying latent heat. The operating range is between -10藲 C and 600藲 C.
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Chroma Meter (CR-241)
Minolta CR-241
Determines the color coordinates of reflective samples in the CIE Standard Observer format.
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