
Student Profile: Senior Biology Major Meggie Moore

Meggie Moore

What do you research?

Moore: I've been working in Dr. David Ward's Ecology laboratory for one year. Specifically, this past summer, I worked on a salinity project that examined the effects of adding various levels of salt to five different species of trees. The results from the experiment can be useful in determining the effects of road salt on similar tree species that are present around the Mentor Marsh. 

What challenges have you faced in research?

Moore: At first, it can be difficult to convert the data into results and determine how it is important to the experiment and relative to the world. However, I was able to better understand my research by developing connections with faculty and other students who are knowledgeable on the research topic. Instead of learning material from a textbook or lecture, I was able to learn dynamically from research that I conducted. 

What would you tell a friend that's interested in research?

Moore: My advice to them is, simply, to do it! I believe the hardest part of undergraduate research is having the courage to get started. It can be daunting for a busy college student to think of adding another activity to their schedule. However, the experience and reward are well work the small time commitment. Participating in research has been the best part of my undergraduate experience. 

How has research impacted you?

Moore: It is truly amazing to think about how positively research has impacted my education and future career. I began noticing that material I had mastered in the lab connected to topics in my lectures; and vice versa. This hands-on experience has allowed me to broaden my research interests and better prepare me for a future laboratory career.