

Operational procedures regarding receipt of paychecks prior to payroll date

  1. Purpose. The university recognizes an obligation to see that all employees receive their payroll checks on their respective payroll dates.
  2. Procedures.
    1. Advance payroll check request. The university will also accommodate those individuals desiring paychecks prior to the payroll date if they are planning upon traveling out of the area because of university business or vacations, and if they will be away from the university on the payroll date.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Operational procedures regarding faculty professional improvement leaves (sabbatical leaves)

  1. Eligibility.
    1. All regular, full-time tenured members of the faculty at the rank of assistant professor or higher who are in their seventh year of regular tenure-track appointment by the university are eligible to apply for a faculty professional improvement leave.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding withdrawal from the university

  1. Students who withdraw from the university any time during a term will receive a mark of "W."
  2. Final examination week is not considered part of the academic term for purposes of withdrawal.
  3. Students who wish to withdraw from the university must report to the office of their academic dean.
  4. Academic deans or their designees will interview students applying for university withdrawal and will forward a completed "Exit Application" to the registrar's office.
  5. Any variation from this rule requires approval by the appropriate academic
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding videotapes, films and slide presentations

  1. All requests for videotapes, films, or slide presentations covered by this rule shall be reviewed by the university video/slide review committee.
  2. Cost estimates for videotapes and slide presentations are written by the instructional resources center, teleproductions and/or AV services, respectively.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding use of automobiles owned or leased by the university

  1. University-owned vehicles assigned to a department shall be used only for official university business.
  2. Only university employees are permitted to drive motor vehicles owned or leased by the university. Students are not permitted to drive a university owned vehicle unless specific authorization is granted by the department head.
  3. All persons driving motor vehicles owned or leased by the university must hold a valid driver's license in the state of Ohio or in the state in which the operator resides.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding schedule of use and closed periods for buildings of the university

  1. Purpose. The university strives to provide a safe and secure environment and to meet the educational and professional needs of students and employees. Toward this end, these procedures establish open and closed periods for university property, provide for extension of open periods, and prescribe conditions under which persons may use closed facilities.
  2. Scope.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024
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