
Hear Again

More than 100 reel-to-reel audio recordings pertaining to the May 1970 Kent State shootings and their aftermath are now accessible through the Kent State University Special Collections and Archivesā€™ digital repository. 

Prior to the digitization, which was funded by a $2,000 Ohio Archives Grant, the original recordings were largely inaccessible due to their age and fragility. They include radio call-in forums, a speech by former ŠćÉ«app President Robert I. White the day after the shootings, a press conference with six students who met with President Richard Nixon days after the shootings, the Scranton Commission hearings and a speech made by Dick Gregory at the Kent State Memorial Service in 1971. 

Cara Gilgenbach, head of Special Collections and Archives, notes, ā€œAs we head toward the 50th anniversary of this pivotal event in American history, we seek to provide expanded access to unprocessed portions of the collection, especially audio-visual materials, which are highly sought by researchers.ā€ 

The audio recordings, which are accessible worldwide, are available online at .

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POSTED: Monday, July 11, 2016 11:24 AM
UPDATED: Thursday, September 19, 2024 11:07 AM