
Pre-Tax Working Spouse/Domestic Partner Fee

Those employees providing medical coverage to a spouse or domestic partner may be subject to the Working Spouse/Domestic Partner fee. This will automatically be added to your health insurance payroll deduction each pay. The fee may be waived if your spouse/partner meets any of the following criteria:

  • If your partner is also employed at 秀色app.
  • If your partner is retired, unemployed or is self-employed.
  • If your partner does not have health coverage available through their employer
  • If your partner is employed part-time

The Affidavit of Spousal/Domestic Partner Insurance Status form (PDF) must be submitted annually by all employees providing medical coverage to a spouse or domestic partner. The deadline to submit this form is November 22, 2024.

PLEASE NOTE: If your spouse/partner meets any of the fee waiver criteria, and the form is not received by the Employee Benefits Office by November 22, the fee will be added to your 2025 pay until the form is received. Any surcharge taken prior to submission of the form will not be refunded.

For complete information, visit the Working Spouse/Domestic Partner Fee webpage.