
Congressman Ryan Inspires New Mindfulness Initiative at Kent State Trumbull

ŠćÉ«app at Trumbullā€™s Counseling Services and Psychology Club are encouraging students to follow the old adage, ā€œstop and smell the roses.ā€ Flashes of Mindfulness posters and mindfulness stations are popping up around campus to remind students to slow down, pay attention and be aware.


ā€œWe want to ensure that our students have all the tools they need to succeed,ā€ says Lance Grahn, Ph.D., dean and chief administrative officer of Kent State Trumbull. ā€œOne of the many benefits of our campus is accessibility to free services, such as tutoring and counseling. These posters are just reminders that students arenā€™t in this alone.ā€ 


Dean Grahn says that the Flashes of Mindfulness concept began a few years ago when U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan was on campus to speak at the Alliance for Substance Abuse Preventionā€™s annual summit. Rep. Ryan talked about his experiences with mindfulness, which ultimately led him to write ā€œA Mindful Nation: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us Reduce Stress, Improve Performance, and Recapture the American Spirit.ā€

Flashes of Mindfulness is an initiative that encourages students to relieve stress and take advantage of counseling services.


ā€œMany of our staff were in the audience and thought that encouraging mindfulness practices would be a great way for students to leave concerns at home and be mindfully present here on campus, available to learn and achieve their dreams,ā€ Dean Grahn says.


Working, going to school and taking care of families can all be stressful. More than four in 10 freshmen say they feel overwhelmed, according to ā€œThe American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2016ā€ study. In a study by the American College Health Association (2017), more than 25 percent of undergraduate students reported that anxiety has affected their academic performance.


Kent State Trumbullā€™s full-time mental health counselor Barb Ozimek and the student Psychology Club pulled together the initiative to reduce these statistics. Each poster offers an exercise for mindful breathing, observation, and/or awareness and promotes counseling services for students in need. Ms. Ozimek will offer mindfulness sessions for interested students. 

POSTED: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 03:47 PM
UPDATED: Thursday, September 19, 2024 05:39 PM